Monday, July 27, 2009

Swedish Summer Run for Ovarian Cancer

Every year my work sponsors the Swedish Summer Run and encourages us employees to partake in the festivities to show our support. Last year I was the size of a house and choose not to suffer through it. This year Robert and Alex headed to the airport to see Grandpa off while I prepared to take Jack to the walk.
I thought this would be a cake walk considering Jack is a pretty easy baby! Well I under estimated a few small factors. One I had to wake Jack up earlier then usual so he was not as rested, second the heat alone was enough to do us in, third the noise and people before the event was really overwhelming for a small child. Considering the conditions he did do pretty well it was just a lot harder then I expected. I sometimes forget the toll the heat takes on my body. It is times like these, I really appreciate the wonderful friendships I have in Therese and Anna who saved the day! Once the walk finally started it was nice as I was finally able to put Jack down in his stroller. About half way through he decided he was done with that, so Therese and I took turns carrying him around, while Anna drove the stroller the rest of the way. I don't think I have sweat that much in a long time! The good news is we survived and all made it home to take a nap.

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