Friday, July 24, 2009

Hard Mornings

Lately I find it harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning to go to work. Not because of what I do for a living but because of the things I leave behind. At some point all moms and dads have to decide if working or staying at home will be best for their family. Regardless of the decision or the reasons both options way heavy on your heart. Although I don't see myself as the stay at home type I also don't see myself as the type that has someone else watching their kids. I do love my Friends at work, the somewhat adult conversation, and the time for myself, but it all comes at a cost with the things I am missing. I have been thinking about this a lot lately as Jack's first birthday is fast approaching. Mon-Fri I see Jack a total of 3-4 hours, although I try not to focus on the things that I have already missed. I am very grateful that he seems to save all the big first for the weekends so we can be the first to witness his amazing accomplishments. Here are some pictures I have taken over the past week of what I leave every morning to go to work.

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