Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This year Robert and I both got small bonuses from work around Valentine's Day and although there is a ton of things we would love to buy. We decided to do the right thing and plan for our future by getting rid of old debt. We took our two bonuses and paid off one credit card, what a great gift to each other, it is such a wonderful feeling! Our remaining debt is still there but it is getting a little easier to breathe. We are getting some money back from our taxes as well which will go towards the final payment of our wedding loan we took out three years ago. That seems crazy but we had the most amazing wedding anyone could ask for and paid for the majority of it ourselves! We both agree that it was money well spent and we would do it all over again. Now we can be thankful that it is paid in full and done with. We have two more credit cards left which will be our next plan of attach. My student loan will be in my will to our children as God himself knows it is going no where. We really are so blessed that we both have jobs and are able to get ahead a little bit. We are really working hard at getting some wiggle room so that baby number 3 can make an appearance in 2011. We plan on me staying home when we have the next baby as my salary is somewhat laughable at times compared to the cost of daycare. I worry that the financial responsibility will weigh heavy on Robert so a weekend job is always a possibility.

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