Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Year in Review

If I was told in the hospital the day Jack was born how much our lives would change I don't think we would be able to understand. Everyone knows having a baby changes everything but you never really understand what that means until after it all happens. It has changed our marriage, our family, our finances, our friends, our home, and our cars just to name a few. Everything has changed for the better in all ways, yes even the finances! When we first brought Jack home it changed our marriage a lot as we had to get use to this new person and all the work he required. Looking back having Jack has made us a stronger team, and we spend more time together now then when we were just two. College was the last time we were ever this broke but we have all the things we need and very few of the things we don't. We really think about every dollar we spend and if we really need it. We are also blessed by so many friends and family members giving us hand me downs. Overall this has been the most amazing year of our lives and we cant wait for what next year will bring. Happy First Birthday sweet boy!

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