Friday, July 17, 2009

Jack's Check-up

Jack went in this week for his wellness exam and checkup. He is weighing in at 25lbs at 10 months exactly! He is still growing like a weed and at the top of all the charts. It is still unknown when his neck will make an appearance as his head size is in the 99%. He is developmentally at the highest ranking given in all categories, except feeding himself. We attribute this to him liking to be pampered and feed by us.

It amazes us every day what he learns to do. Last night we just kept watching him sleep and made Grandpa and Alex come take a look. He was laying on his stomach with his little butt in the air, priceless.

He is so close to walking now thanks to Alex chasing after him and scaring him into running! He laughs the hardest when playing with his brother. Alex has been an amazing help with Jack wearing him out playing at night, Jack has never slept so good.

This weekend we will be preparing for Alex starting camp on Monday. I am looking forward to having someone to carpool with in the morning and make lunches for. I get the greatest enjoyment just being a mom to my boys!

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