Friday, July 31, 2009

Doan Family BBQ Last Weekend

Last Saturday mom invited us over for a Doan family BBQ to enjoy being outdoors in this lovely heat wave we are having. Rick, Robert, Alex, Jack and I all went to eat good food and enjoy good company. Mom prepared enough food for a small army as usually and was difficult to get her to sit down and relax. Sounds familiar! Dad suffered through the heat long enough to BBQ up hot dogs and burgers for everyone. Alex was a great order taker and expediter for dad in getting the correct food made with the right cheese! He is really turning into a young man, how fast it all goes.
It is so rare these days that the whole family is in attendance, so it was really nice. Jack spent the whole time in the pool or eating naked in the highchair. He had his first taste of shrimp and liked it!
It really makes me realize how nice it is to have a yard. I cant wait till we are able to move into a new place with a backyard. It was nice to have a family gathering outside where we could stretch out and be comfortable.

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