Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jack's 2nd Birthday Preparation's

Some how September came and went without me finding the time to blog about it. So to catch up with our busy month here is what you missed.

Preparing for Jack Allan's second birthday, I of course had to out do the monkey cake I made the year before. All I can say is it takes a village to make a cake of this size. Rick, Robert, Alex and I were up to midnight trying to get his birthday cake done. Here are some late night pictures of his cowboy birthday cake.
I also had to get the sheriff badge cookies made, Alex stuffed the pinata, Robert put the Queen car together, and Rick cut out the PB&J sandwiches in the shape of cowboy boots.
Like I said it takes a village to pull off the parties I plan, I always over do it but I still enjoy every minute of it!

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