Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

This year I really wanted a gift that would allow Jack and I to spend some time outside, once the weather comes around that is. I asked Robert to get me a Wee Ride for this mothers day so Jack and I could go on bike rides after work. He ordered it online and it should be here this week, I cant wait. I will still need to get a bike but I see this as a minor detail.
Robert surprised me on Thursday at work with a delivery of tulips, my favorite! I was so surprised it really brighten my drab cubical at work.
On Friday Victoria sent Robert home with a beautiful picture of Jack in a black frame! We are so blessed to have Victoria in our lives, Jack loves going there and she really does take the best care of him!
On Sunday Joyce, Mom and I all met at the crack of dawn to meet for a mom's breakfast! It was delicious and nice to catch up on things. We also went to Lowe's and Home Depot for ideas and flowers for my flower pot.

The Best Weekend!

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