Sunday, March 21, 2010

Horrible Parents!

Every weekend I wash all 6 of Jack's blankets as only God knows all the places it has been. We always give him a "fresh" one every night so I have some piece of mind that he has a clean blanket. On Sunday after washing all his blankets I gave him one right out of the dryer. It was not enough as he knew the others were in there. I decided it would be funny to let him sit in the dryer with his warm blankies. I asked Robert to bring the camera to capture happy Jack in the dryer with blankets. Robert thought having such a picture would have us arrested, or CPS would come and rescue Jack. I just think it is a funny picture.
Please dont turn us in.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

LOL! It looks like he loves it!! Your secret is safe with me ;)