Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy 2nd Halloween

We spent Jack's second Halloween over at Mom and Dad's house trick or treating with the Yanasak family. It seems to be a family tradition now, which I love looking back and comparing last years image with this years. It amazes me how we took a picture last with the kids in the same position on the same sofa. Jack and Nikki had a great time trick or treating, but little Dylan had the best time. He figured it out early on that people gave you candy and from then on he was laughing and digging into candy bowls. It made it so much more fun to watch him laugh when they gave him candy. Jack did well standing at people's door steps until they answered and then he wanted nothing to do with them.

Halloween 08'
Frog, Princess, Superman
Ages: 6 months, 3 years, 1 month

Halloween 09'
Skeleton, Belle Princess, and Golfer
Ages: 18 months, 4 years, and 13 months

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