Monday, October 19, 2009

Sick Jack

Have you ever heard of a 13 month old laying on the sofa for three days with no desire to move. I had not till witnessing it myself and let me tell you it is a pretty scary thing. It all started Friday afternoon, Victoria called to say his temperature was running a little high around 102-103. Robert and I took him to the doctors office that night and we were told his left ear infection never healed and it was coming back. We left with stronger medication and Tylenol to help with the fever. When we got home we ate dinner and that is when the throwing up started. On Saturday Jack laid on the sofa all day with a fever of 105 and could not keep anything even the meds down. On Sunday I called the clinic again to see if I should take him to the ER as he would only sleep and was so hot. I slept with him on the sofa at night just in case he needed something. This morning Monday I took him in again to the clinic where they realized he has a double ear infection but since he cant keep the medication down he was not getting better! They gave him two shots and made me sit in the lobby with him for 40 minutes to make sure he did not have any reactions. We are taking him back in on Wednesday to make sure his ears are better or he will be getting more shots. I could barely to keep it together when the doctor was asking me what his symptoms were! I hope Jack is never this sick again as I have a hard time with him just sleeping through life!

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