Thursday, May 8, 2008

Baby Iben Ultrasound

Here is the first sneak peak at baby Iben. We had our first 3D ultrasound today and it could not have gone better. The baby hit all its correct measurements for being 21 weeks! The estimated weight was 14 oz. I am not sure how I have gained 10lbs already! Currently the baby is breech but was all over the place so it should not be a problem. It was difficult to get some good shots as he/she would not lay still. We also got two very short movie clips of the baby moving around and sucking it's thumb. Priceless!
Picture one: Baby is holding up it's pointer finger. Robert said I'm number one so the tech adding the text to the picture. =)
Picture two: Is a shot of the left foot, toes and all
Picture three: Baby sucking thumb
Picture four: Profile and hand by face.
Picture five: The best 3D picture we have. Babies full face and right arm, near the abdomen you can see the umbilical cord.
It was a very exciting day for Robert and me, it made things a lot more real other then my weight gain and desire to eat anything sweet in the house! We had to look away for a few minutes as we are waiting to find out the babies sex.

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